5 Reasons Why This Copper Water Bottle Will Save Your Holistic Health

Your body is made up of 70% water.

The water you drink, has the single biggest impact on your health.

Here’s how this copper bottle turns toxic tap water into High Vibration Liquid Grace...

Copper Has 20+ Proven Health Benefits! (From Over 5000 Years Ago)

After 4 hours, water left in a copper vessel becomes "copperized".

Ancient Indian Yogis drank “copperized” water over 5000 years ago
, because Ayurveda states: copper water balances the 3 Doshas (mind, body, spirit).

Copper Health Benefits Proven by Modern Science

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Click to see the 20+ copper health benefits:

  • Helps burn fat (drink “copperized” water first thing in the morning)

  • Helps brain function (mental well-being, cognitive performance, emotional balance)

  • Helps regulates cholesterol & blood pressure (prevent copper deficiency)

  • Helps regulates thyroid gland

  • Helps arthritis pain relief

  • Helps joint health (relieve inflamed joints)

  • Helps skin health

  • Helps hair health (preventing hair graying)

  • Helps heart health (decrease heart attack risk)

  • Helps eliminate anemia (increase iron absorption)

  • Helps digestion (detoxification)

  • Helps boost immunity (kills 99.9% bacteria)

  • Helps fight microbial infections (salmonella killed in 16 hours)

  • Naturally alkalizes water (preventing disease)

Copper is Nature’s Germ Killing Mechanism

As copper has antiviral, antibacterial & antimicrobial properties - studies show, copper kills over 99.9% of bacteria (such as E. coli) within 1-2 hours.

In fact, The New England Journal of Medicine published an article proving, Coronavirus will survive for only 4 hours on a copper surface.

Copper Neutralizes All Toxins! (Including Fluoride)

Tap water has over 2,100 toxins, including fluoride. Fluoride shrinks your pineal gland (known as your third eye). Shrinking your third eye blocks your intuition.

However, copper neutralizes all toxins in water! Prevent fluoride in tap water from closing your third eye & strengthen your intuition.

Copper Makes Water Alkaline! (Even Chlorine “Cleaned” Tap Water)

Tap water is cleaned with harsh chemicals, such as chlorine. Chlorine makes water acidic (on the PH scale). Acidic water by default, is low vibration.

“Copperized” water neutralizes all toxins - making it alkaline (on the PH scale). Alkaline water is High Vibration!

Alkaline water (from natural sources) is known to prevent diseases.

“GRACE” Programming Creates Beautiful Crystals (Highest Vibration Water Possible!)

Toxic tap water (acidic) is “dead”. “Copperized” water (alkaline) is “live”.

Dr Masaru Emoto’s water experiments have shown, “live” water can be ‘programmed’ by human thoughts & emotions! (Proven by melting ‘programmed’ ice & taking zoomed in pictures of the crystals formed - like above).

As ETHOS LOVING Copper Water Bottle’s have “GRACE” engraved under the leak-proof lid…Program your “copperized” water with the GRACE molecular structure! Drink Liquid Grace!

If You Want To Drink “Copperized” Alkaline Water (No Toxins)…

With Beautiful GRACE Crystals (High Vibration)….

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